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Level 3 advice for members


From 12 noon Wednesday 12th August until at least midnight on Friday 14th August all of the Auckland region (The Auckland City area – map here) is under Covid Level 3 restrictions.

A useful summary of the restrictions can be read here.

Under the last Level 3 restrictions considerable work was done to develop and implement safe work practices. We want to make sure those practices are implemented and the problems we found last time are fixed.


These are the key points for work under Alert Level 3:

Workers with higher health risks should not go to work


Those with vulnerable health conditions, or who live with someone with vulnerable health conditions, should not have to risk their health under Level 3. The list of conditions that apply are here. If you didn’t work under the last level 3 because of these risks, or you think they apply to you now you should request special paid leave from your employer under the COVID-19 Leave Support Scheme . Last time your employer was most likely receiving a wage subsidy so they simply used that for this type of leave. Because the wage subsidy is finished for most employers they will need to apply to receive a subsidy for this leave. If you are eligible you should not have to use your own sick or annual leave.


If you are sick you should not go to work


If you are unwell you should not go to work. If you have any of the symptoms listed here you should stay home, contact your doctor or Healthline (phone 0800 358 5453) about getting a test immediately. There is a list of Auckland community testing centres here. You should self-isolate while waiting for the results of your test. If you do not have paid sick leave available then ask your manager for additional paid leave

If you are sent home from work (because of temperature screening for example) your employer should pay any shifts you miss as a result.

If you are diagnosed with Covid19 you will be eligible for the COVID-19 Leave Support Scheme.


Social distancing inside workplaces


There is supposed to be at least 1 metre social distancing inside workplaces. Most of our members reported that this was almost impossible to maintain in practice, but the regulations still require it. If your managers are not ensuring that social distancing is happening then bring it to their attention, make a Health and Safety notification in writing (many employers have apps or online forms to do this) and let us know as well.


Face masks at work


The Ministry of health and the Prime Minister have both recommended masks are worn in Auckland where social distancing is not possible. Our view is that masks should be provided at work because proper social distancing is sometimes not possible. We have written to employers to ask them to provide masks for all employees.


Unable to work because schools are shut


There is no specific leave provision for employees unable to work because schools are shut and they have no other childcare available. You should talk to your manager and they should allow you take leave in this situation. Contact Unite if they refuse.


If you need assistance you can contact PWUA as follows:



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